Our children and mothers in Arizona
are facing a big threat
Don't Mess with my Family
Proposition 139 is very vague and misleading on purpose.
This initiative pretends to change the Arizona Constitution and leave women vulnerable in the hands of abortion corporations. Proposition 139 poses a dangeorus threat to parent’s rights and the safety and well being of our families.
45% of abortions in Arizona are performed on Hispanic babies (AZ DEPT. HEALTH SERVICES 2023). Almost half of abortions in Arizona are performed on hispanic babies. The racist abortion industry wants full control over Life- to stamp it out completely, anytime for profit.
Prop 139 legalizes abortion up to “fetal viability” meaning birth, using a wide mental health exemption.
Elective Abortion impairs mental health outcomes: severe depression, and high risk of suicide. Find these facts: Lozier Institute Fact Sheet Abortion and
Mental Health. Fact Sheet: Abortion and Mental Health – Lozier Institute
Prop 139 is misleading and takes away women’s rights:
- Eliminates informing women of abortion risks (perforated uterus, sepsis, infertility, etc.). Current laws to inform and safeguard women will be gone.
- No doctor would be required. Any employee of an abortion facility could perform the abortion.
- Prop 139 promotes the dismemberment of fully formed preborn babies up to birth without anesthesia.
- At 7 weeks little baby girls already have their ovaries. Ovaries Identifiable (ehd.org)
- At 8 weeks she already has arms and feet. Right- and Left-Handedness (ehd.org)
- At 10 weeks she has fingerprints. The Fetus Yawns (ehd.org)
- At 12 weeks she reacts to painful procedures. 3 Months Pregnant: End of the first trimester (youtube.com)
- At 18 weeks she can hear her mother’s voice.
Every Arizona parent should be alarmed about the threat of Prop 139 because it eliminates parents’ rights to decide about the health of their children. It would set an unconstitutional and very dangerous precedent. A school employee or a pedophile could take a young girl to get an abortion without the parent’s knowledge or permission.
We need your voice and your vote No on 139 to protect little our little babies, our mothers and our families.

“Don't mess with our families. We Stand for Life.”

Prop 139 is promoted by Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and the National Association of Reproductive Rights (NARAL).
Source of information: Center for Arizona Policy
If the fact that partially born babies can be aborted is not enough to repulse voters, there are plenty of other reasons to oppose the new proposed constitutional amendment making abortion a new “fundamental right” in Arizona.
Contrary to what abortion activists are claiming, the “Arizona Abortion Access Act” does not simply codify Roe, and it does not prohibit abortion after the baby is viable, meaning able to live outside the mother’s womb.
The measure goes far beyond that to strip away nearly every pro-life law in Arizona, supersede parental rights, and protect traffickers, among other things.
Deceptively written to hide the dirty details, the measure appears basic to abortion supporters, even those who support limitations. However, the consequences reach far and wide. After reviewing the ballot measure language and consulting with a number of highly qualified attorneys, it is clear this intentionally vague, broad measure was carefully written to serve every interest of the abortion industry with no regard for the lives of the unborn, women, girls, parents,or conscience of healthcare professionals. It is an abortion activist’s dream.
The limitation on abortion at the point of viability is in name only. The nearly After reviewing the ballot measure language and consulting with a number of highly qualified attorneys, it is clear this intentionally vague, broad measure was carefully written to serve every interest of the abortion industry with no regard for the lives of the unborn, women, girls, parents,or conscience of healthcare professionals. It is an abortion activist’s dream.
It leaves medical officials without a standard by which to hold substandard abortion clinics and practitioners accountable for harming women, girls, or inhumanely treating the unborn. It leaves the decision to the abortionist’s “judgement.” The vagueness of “judgement” leaves the medical licensing board powerless to govern practitioners. On abortion at the point of viability is in name only. The nearly After reviewing the ballot measure language and consulting with a number of highly qualified attorneys, it is clear this intentionally vague, broad measure was carefully written to serve every interest of the abortion industry with no regard for the lives of the unborn, women, girls, parents,or conscience of healthcare professionals.
The measure forbids any law, regulation, policy, or practice that denies, restricts, or interferes with the new “fundamental right” to abortion. It ties the hands of lawmakers, prohibiting them from implementing most safety regulations or limitations on abortion.
Nearly all of Arizona’s laws protecting women and shielding the unborn would be undone because of the loopholes, exceptions, and qualifications in the language.
- No more requirement to inform women and girls of the risks of abortion, or other options
- No more ultrasounds offered prior to getting an abortion
- No more doctor requirement to perform an abortion, allowing nonphysicians to perform the surgery
- No more requirement to have parental consent if a 12, 13, or 14 year old girl wants an abortion
- No more requirement to provide medical care for a baby born alive during an abortion attempt
- No more limitations based on the development of the unborn baby
- No prohibition on the inhumane partial-birth abortion procedure Just to name a few.
Lawmakers cannot pass laws regulating or penalizing anyone or any entity who assists an individual in getting an abortion. Abusers and traffickers can force girls and women they trafficked to get abortions so they can cover their crimes. It also prevents parents from seeking justice if their daughter is the victim of abuse.
Lawmakers could not protect the unborn from pain during late term dismemberment abortions or even partial-birth abortions.
Healthcare professionals would be forced to participate in abortions or risk losing their livelihood.
Her Worst Decision.

By: Leo Hernandez
After some time of not being able to talk about the matter, Judith Villegas wanted to reveal what happened to her 20 years ago, when she decided to have an abortion not just once, but twice in an exclusive interview with PRENSA ARIZONA, she said that the purpose of sharing her traumatic experiences is to help women who are going through similar situations, and she has this message for them:
“Do not abort your babies, they have the right to live.”
Villegas, who lives in Phoenix, has 4 children and now also a granddaughter; she says that she actually had 7 children, but what she now considers the worst decisions of her life prevented it, since she had 2 induced or induced abortions in Planned Parenthood clinics: in the first a boy of 9 weeks of gestation and in the second case two girls when she was already 4 months pregnant.
“They were the worst decisions and something I have to deal with all my life; I have already asked God, my children , my family and others for forgiveness, but I also forgave myself and I try to help other women not go through the same thing,” said the now pro-life activist.
In this regard, she said that she currently works at Raquel’s Vineyard, a help center for pregnant women located in Phoenix, where in addition to offering them psychological and emotional care, they also give them financial assistance if necessary.
About what she experienced, the interviewee revealed that all this happened 20 years ago when she led a life away from principles and values, especially spiritual, which led her to have unplanned pregnancies from two different relationships.
In both pregnancies, she detailed, she went to Planned Parenthood clinics, where they offered to “solve” the situation through induced abortions, which she now considers to be a vile deception and the worst she has ever experienced.
She pointed out: “At Planned Parenthood they talk very nicely, but in reality they lie when they say they want to help, and it is easy to fall when one is desperate, depressed and misinformed; in the end they take away your baby’s right to be born and the consequences for mothers are irreversible, especially emotional and psychological.”
On the verge of suicide
Judith Villegas confesses that post-abortion traumas are the worst thing that has happened to her, to such an extent that she was about to take her own life, which did not happen thanks to her daughters.
“After abortions, Planned Parenthood lets you go and for them their work ends there, even though for a woman is when the worst begins, because you realize that they took the life of your own child and you allowed it; it is when another barbarity can be committed such as suicide,” revealed the also collaborator of the pro-life organization Voces Unidas por la Vida.
She remembers that after the double abortion of her 4-month-old twins, her feeling of guilt and remorse of conscience was so great that she decided to escape through the false door; He took several pills and locked himself in the bathroom of his house, but when he was about to ingest them, his older girls, still young, began to knock on his door begging him not to leave them alone. It was what made her react, she gathered her courage and began to seek help, which she found in Raquel’s Vineyard and almost at the same time in Voces Unidas por la Vida.Without judging her, pointing at her, or criticizing her, they provided her with psychological, emotional, medical professional services and even economic support that she needed so much as a single mother of 4 children.
Thanks to this, she says, they have helped her heal and after preparing, in recent years she has dedicated herself to supporting women who come in search of help; and in memory of her 3 aborted children she is now a fierce defender of life and unborn babies.
“I want to take this opportunity to tell everyone that it is false that Planned Parenthood takes care of women’s health, for them business and money is the most important thing, no one told me, I lived it,” said the interviewee.Villegas pointed out: “To women who are going through an unexpected, accidental or unwanted pregnancy, I tell them to seek real help and not be deceived; in Raquel’s Vineyard, Voces Unidas por la Vida and other organizations professional help is offered totally free of charge. Abortion was my worst decision, don’t make the same mistake.”
Rachel’s Vineyard – Healing from Post-Abortion Trauma
- Rachel’s Vineyard
- Arizona Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats – Information and support for post-abortion trauma
Contact: Karen Ord
Phone: 480-329-6795
Email: karenord.rv@gmail.com
Silent No More
Phoenix Women’s Clinic
Abortion Info Phoenix AZ | Women’s Health Clinic
Phone: 602-305-5100
Aid to Women Center
Aid to Women Center – Tempe, AZ
Phone: 480-966-1902
First Way Pregnancy Center
First Way Pregnancy Center, Phoenix, AZ
Phone: 602-261-7122
Sisters of Life Crisis Pregnancy Help, Outreach at ASU
Phoenix – Sisters of Life
Phone: 480-605-2700
Voces Unidas por la Vida – Prayer, Formation, Action
Walking with Moms in Need
Walking with Moms in Need – Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix
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Abortion Pill Reversal

- Baby Survived Abortion Attempts
Dilan Gael, the miracle baby
Dilan Gael overcame abortion
Dilan Gael survived abortion attempts
By Leo Hernández
At just 9 months old, little Dilan is considered a true survivor and a symbol of those who fight against abortion and stand for the respect of human life from conception to natural death.
He survived several abortion attempts by the woman carrying him, as his pregnancy was the result of a sexual assault by a family member. But Dilan clung to life, and now he is a healthy baby, loved by the same person who once wanted to get rid of him and now regrets it.
This story of Dilan is extraordinary and moving. His mother, Juana Francisca Bejarano, shared it in an exclusive interview with PRENSA ARIZONA from Houston, which we summarize below.
The Honduran immigrant, who recently came to this country with her 5- and 2-year-old children, settled in Oklahoma to start a new life after fleeing domestic violence to keep her children safe.
“It was hard to leave my home and move away from my parents and siblings, but I had no other option. Thank God we made it here, and with the help of friends, my children and I began to move forward little by little,” said the 40-year-old interviewee.
Victim of Infamy
Juana Francisca revealed that at the beginning of last year, a cousin contacted her from another state, telling her he would move to the city where she lived to look for work. They agreed that he could stay with her and her children, sharing expenses, and supporting each other as close relatives.
Everything seemed to be fine. Each of them dedicated themselves to their tasks and took time to talk about their families, their country, and their hopes of one day returning to their homeland.
But one day, the irrational man whom she had trusted and supported attacked her and then fled. She didn’t report the assault out of shame and fear due to her immigration status. Shortly after, she found out she was pregnant, and that’s when things worsened.
“The world came crashing down on me. I didn’t tell anyone; I felt ashamed and even blamed myself. Of course, I didn’t want to keep the baby. The first thing I did was research how I could abort without going to a clinic,” confessed Dilan Gael’s mother.
Failed Attempts
Now unafraid of being judged or unfairly blamed, Juana Francisca shared the rest of her story about her and Dilan Gael over the phone.
She said that, in her desperation, she looked online for “home remedies” to induce an abortion. She prepared a concoction of various herbs based on what she had read, but it didn’t work. Meanwhile, the unwanted pregnancy continued to progress.
“It started to show. I stopped going to church so no one would notice, and I still didn’t tell anyone. I spent most of my time crying and even thought about taking my own life. I was desperate and didn’t know what to do,” she explained. She chose not to appear in a photo but provided pictures of her baby.
To hide the pregnancy and “get rid of” the baby she was carrying, she tightly bound her belly as much as she could. But this attempt failed.
She tried a different concoction that she prepared herself with information she found on the internet, but it didn’t work either. Miraculously, the baby that she now calls the most beautiful gift God has given her refused to be eliminated.
Even more desperate and terrified, she turned to Facebook seeking abortion help. She said she received numerous messages from people recommending clinics and other locations in Texas, but they all charged between $1,000 and $2,000—an amount she would have gladly paid if she had the money.
Light in the Darkness
Around the same time, Juana Francisca, in the midst of her suffering, loneliness, despair, and darkness, saw a ray of hope. She received a call from a woman named Eva Romero from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, who convinced her to meet with people who could help.
Romero, who also spoke with this publication and confirmed the story, is a pro-life activist who once lived in Phoenix and worked with the organization Voces Unidas Por la Vida.
They arranged medical help, financial assistance, and, most importantly, restored her peace of mind. They explained the implications of abortion, especially at such an advanced stage of pregnancy, and told her that if she didn’t want to keep the baby who was about to be born, she could place him for adoption.
Eva Romero said, “I spoke with her several times, and Voces Por la Vida from Phoenix secured emotional and spiritual support for her. A few days later, Juana decided to continue and give birth.”
Her Life Changed
With great optimism and surprising strength, Juana Francisca Bejarano said that Dilan Gael’s arrival changed her life and that of her two older children, whom she is working hard to support.
“I regret what I wanted to do. Now I thank God that I didn’t succeed, because I would never have forgiven myself. Dilan is our little guardian angel, a being that God sent to brighten our lives,” she said.
The interviewee expressed deep gratitude to everyone who came to her aid during her darkest moments, when she was willing to do anything to abort her baby.
The Honduran immigrant concluded, “To women reading this who might be pregnant and don’t want the baby, I want to tell you not to make the mistake of aborting, because the being inside you is flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood. It’s a human being just like us. There’s a lot of professional help like the one I received, and it’s free.”

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known
that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help,
or sought your intercession
was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
To you I come, before you I stand,
sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy,
hear and answer me.